"Anything worth doing, is worth doing right" - Hunter S. Thompson
2016 is the year that I promised to put more creativity into the atmosphere. High expectations can deliver incredible results, but it can also leave you feeling like you are never quite doing enough to reach your goals. From creating a blog on Wix, to taking it down after learning that it wasn't the most portable friendly platform at a Meraki event, to focusing on my Instagram platform, to creating and then taking down another Instagram profile, to creating and iterating on this Website - fired up from a Side Hustle Pro Podcast and re-reading gems from the 4 Hour Work Week, to having to WOO SAH after calling and chatting with 3 different platform providers to release my domain name (note to self: I need to write a piece on the role I see bots/AI playing in 2017), to being brave enough to soft launching my idea with my brother (aka digital strategy consultant) and parents (you know Jamaica breeds the ultimate side hustlers)...I'm proud to begin to share my journey with you. I was originally just focused on the service and creating a quality product, but I hear that sharing my journey could provide a source of inspiration or at least a few *snaps* because you know the struggle can be real when you go after what you really want.
To creative growth!
Beijos! Besos! Kisses!